Product Solution

Digital Therapy Control

Smart solutions for blister packs and kit boxes for medication adherence monitoring in clinical trials

Smart Packaging – Intelligent Tool for Therapy Control

Tablet blister with integrated electronics for digital therapy control.

Adherence to medication regimens is critical to the success of a clinical trial. However, up to 50 percent of study participants do not adhere to the prescribed dosing regimen. The consequences are inaccurate results and delayed market introduction. Schreiner MediPharm's smart packaging solves this challenge and increases medication adherence in clinical trials: Integrated electronics, sensor technology and NFC technology turn standard medication packaging into smart blister wallets and smart kit boxes, for example for vials, syringes or pens. Combined with the appropriate software this results in a modern tool to electronically measure, document and analyze prescribed medications.

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▶  Watch Video: Smart Packaging Solutions for Medication Adherence Monitoring in Clinical Trials

Our Smart Packaging Solutions – Your Benefits

Benefits for the pharmaceutical manufacturer/CMO (Contract Manufacturing Organization)

  • Inconspicuous technology integration into existing packaging designs
  • Production and delivery of a smart wallet for blister assembling as usual
  • Good heat sealability of the cardboard wallets
  • Unit-dose tracking per cavity or individual dosage
  • Continuous quality and functional testing throughout the entire supply chain
  • Individual packaging designs can be realized, e.g. with integrated child resistance
Medication packaging runs along the assembly line of a pharmaceutical production facility.

Benefits for the user

  • Active support in medication intake
  • Easy self-monitoring of the medication regimen through automatically generated eDiary
  • Reminder function for medication intake possible via app
  • Central digital monitoring and possible adjustment of the prescribed therapy plan by the physician for all patients
  • Automatic documentation of the medication intake
  • High level of user friendliness due to simple handling
  • Unchanged push-through force and application of the pill or capsule blister
Woman uses smartphone to read digitally transmitted information from a medicine box.

Benefits in clinical trials

  • More robust data quality through digital therapy control
  • Shorter time-to-market and acceleration of the approval process for new drugs
  • Increased efficiency by reducing manual documentation and eliminating manual monitoring, including pill-counting, of CTS management activities
  • Increased flexibility in adapting complex therapies and study procedures
A woman in clinical research looks critically at a molecular model.

Real-Time Data Acquisition with NFC or Bluetooth

As soon as the drug is removed from the packaging, data such as time of removal, dose or cavity are automatically generated in real time and stored in the packaging. Data is transferred to a database via NFC or Bluetooth centrally in the study clinic or by the patient via smartphone app.

Illustration shows the process of real-time data acquisition with NFC or Bluetooth in digital therapy control.
The doctor checks on the smartphone that the medication is being taken correctly from the tablet blister.
Smart Blister Wallet

Blister wallet with up to 64 individual cavities for tablets. The technology for therapy control is integrated into the blister wallet and is not visible to the user.

The doctor uses a smartphone to check that the medication has been taken correctly from a box of vials.

Smart Vial Kit

Box for multiple vials (multi-vial box). The packaging is covered with a cardboard layer of numbered, perforated areas corresponding to the individual compartments containing the vials.

Use Case
Adherence Monitoring: Digital and Child-Resistant

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Use Case
Cooperation with AARDEX Group: Digital Therapy Management for Clinical Trials

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