Corporate Management

The Schreiner Group Top Management

President and CEO Roland Schreiner is the third generation to head the family business—together with his management team.


Under the motto “continuity and new beginnings,” Roland Schreiner took over the sole management of Schreiner Group in the fall of 2012. Annual sales of 125 million euros at the time have since risen to over 200 million euros. Instead of 750 employees, Schreiner Group now employs over 1,200 people, and the company's floor space has grown by 5,000m² to 78,000m².

Roland Schreiner has been the sole managing director of Schreiner Group since 2012.

Roland Schreiner

Roland Schreiner started in 2012 with a clear objective—which he has successfully put into practice: to continuously develop the “hidden champion” into an industrial high-tech company. This includes, in particular, further professionalization in strategy, structure and culture. Further internationalization and the company's focus on increasing digitalization are just two examples of Roland Schreiner's successful work.

Some Interesting Highlights

  • Introduction of lean management
  • Foundation and development of the US site in Blauvelt
  • Foundation and development of the Chinese site in Fengpu
  • Foundation and development of a further German production site in Dorfen
  • Establishment as a leading provider of innovative solutions in the technologies of the future RFID and Printed Electronics 
  • Expansion of the Competence Center structure through the establishment of Schreiner Digital Solutions and the reinforcement of Schreiner Services 
  • SAP implementation

Short CV Roland Schreiner

Roland Schreiner studied printing technology in Munich and completed an international MBA program with studies in Paris, New York and Tokyo. In 1999, he became Head of the Schreiner MediPharm Division. Since 2007, he has also been responsible for the establishment and expansion of the Schreiner Group LP production site in Blauvelt, USA. One year later, he also became a member of the management board and took over responsibility for all production areas. Roland Schreiner has been President and CEO of Schreiner Group since September 1, 2012.

The Top Management

Top management regularly deals in particular with issues that have a company-wide impact and significance, thus bringing about trend-setting decisions.

Our Mission

Our mission describes our self-image and thereby lets us all work together in a committed and motivated manner on our successful future. It shows our customers, partners and potential applicants what they can expect from us.

Our Values

As a value-oriented family business, our identity is shaped by the following four values:


Our idea of innovation refers not only to the development of unique products, but also to intelligent processes and creative solutions. Every employee is motivated to contribute new ideas and to think outside the box of his or her area and day-to-day business.

Quality is a basic attitude at Schreiner Group.


Quality is a basic attitude. Schreiner Group always focuses on quality everywhere—in its building equipment, machinery, employee training, and even in the food served in the canteen. The claim to constantly improve in all areas is reflected in our high-quality products.


With modern and extensive machinery, a wide range of special competencies, our own research and development, efficient processes and highly competent employees, we fulfill even the most complex customer requirements quickly and reliably.


We offer an environment where working with colleagues, customers, suppliers and partners is a pleasure. Schreiner Group sees itself as a large union that succeeds by enjoying its work. As an agile family business, we offer our employees a modern environment with exciting tasks and diverse development opportunities.

Management Manual

The Basic Features of Our Management

“Secure Processes—Satisfied Customers”: Here you will find everything about the basic features of our integrated management system.
